आओ अंग्रेजी सीखे

(1) ऐसा 1. उसने ऐसा नहीं कहा - He didn't say so. 2. वह बच्ची नहीं है और उसके साथ ऐसा (बच्ची की तरह) व्यवहार नहीं किया जाना चाहिए । - she is not a child and should not be so treated. 2. वह पैसा देने को तैयार है मुझे ऐसी उम्मीद है । - He is ready to pay, I hope so. 3. मेरा ऐसा विचार है । - I think so. 4. ऐसा कौन कहता है? - who say so? 5. ऐसा मुझे दिख रहा है । - so I see. (2) इतना 1. अंग्रेजी इतनी कठिन नहीं । -English is not so difficult. 2. - so much time was wasted. 3. - Don't be so angry. (3) इतना कि {so को as / that के साथ } 1. ठण्ड इतनी नहीं जितनी कि पिछले साल थी । - It is not so cold as last year. 2. तुम इतने लापरवाह कैसे थे कि चाबियां गुमा दीं । - How were you so careless as to loss your keys. 3. क्या तुम इतने अच्छे हो कि मुझे कुछ धन दे दो? - would you be so good as to land me some Money?


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