
Showing posts from November, 2017

कक्षा 12वीं का 2017 का प्रश्न पत्र

प्रश्न पत्र देख कर प्रश्नों को समझना तथा यह जानने की कोशिश करना कि प्रश्न पत्र में कितने प्रश्न किस कठिनाई स्तर के आ सकते हैं ।

कक्षा दसवीं हेतु उपयोगी प्रश्न ( 2 अंक ) M.P. board

[ प्रकाश ] 1- प्रकाश के परावर्तन से आप क्या समझते हैं ? 2- दर्पण किसे कहते हैं ? 3- क्या होता है जब प्रकाश किरण अभिलम्ब की दिशा में दर्पण पर आपतित होती है ? 4- वास्तविक और आभासी प्रतिबिंब म...

आप पहचाने

यह किस की फोटो है ? यह क्या कहलाता है? यह तना है या जड़? इसके बारे में 5 comments दें ।

Indian's power

Tomorrow, the victory of India's Judge Dalveer Bhandari is not only an achievement of India but it is a historic event. The events that have come out of this election are not only the story of the success of India's diplomatic aggression of Prime Minister Modi but also reflects the growing power in India's international scene under the leadership of Modi. The election of the judges of the international court is that of the member states of the United Nations which is 193 and the Security Council has 15 members. If there is a difference between the two, then one candidate is selected by repeatedly voting. England Judge Greenwood was the test taker for Dalvi Bhandari, India's Judge for this last remaining seat. England is not only a permanent member of the Security Council, but since 1946, since this International Court was formed. When voting took place in the Security Council, England's Greenwood received 9 votes and India got 6 votes, but the General Assembly of t...

भारत की ताकत

कल अंतराष्ट्रीय न्यायालय की एक बची हुयी सीट पर भारत के न्यायाधीश दलवीर भंडारी की विजय, सिर्फ भारत की एक उपलब्धि नही है बल्कि यह एक इतिहासिक घटना है। इस चुनाव को लेकर अब जो घटनाक्रम सामने आये है वह न सिर्फ प्रधानमंत्री मोदी जी के भारत की कूटनैतिक आक्रमकता की सफलता की कहानी कहती है बल्कि वह मोदी जी के नेतृत्व में भारत के अंतराष्ट्रीय परिदृश्य में बढ़ती हुयी शक्ति को भी दर्शाती है। अंतराष्ट्रीय न्यायालय के न्यायाधीशों का चुनाव संयुक्तराष्ट्र संघ के सदस्य राष्ट्र जो 193 है व सुरक्षा परिषद जिसके 15 राष्ट्र सदस्य है वह करते है। यदि दोनों में ही मतभेद होता है तो बार बार मतदान करके किसी एक प्रत्याक्षी को चुना जाता है। इस आखरी बची सीट के लिये भारत के न्यायाधीश दलवीर भंडारी के साथ इंग्लैंड के न्यायाधीश ग्रीनवुड प्रत्याक्षी थे। इंग्लैंड न सिर्फ सुरक्षापरिषद का स्थायी सदस्य है बल्कि 1946 से, जबसे इस अंतराष्ट्रीय न्यायालय का गठन हुआ है तब से पिछले 70 वर्षों से उसका एक न्यायाधीश सदस्य रहा है। सुरक्षापरिषद में जब वोटिंग हुयी तो उसमें इंग्लैंड के ग्रीनवुड को 9 वोट मिले और भारत को 6 वोट मिले थे ल...

Indian's power

Tomorrow, the victory of India's Judge Dalveer Bhandari is not only an achievement of India but it is a historic event. The events that have come out of this election are not only the story of the success of India's diplomatic aggression of Prime Minister Modi but also reflects the growing power in India's international scene under the leadership of Modi. The election of the judges of the international court is that of the member states of the United Nations which is 193 and the Security Council has 15 members. If there is a difference between the two, then one candidate is selected by repeatedly voting. England Judge Greenwood was the test taker for Dalvi Bhandari, India's Judge for this last remaining seat. England is not only a permanent member of the Security Council, but since 1946, since this International Court was formed. When voting took place in the Security Council, England's Greenwood received 9 votes and India got 6 votes, but the General Assembly of t...

मैं एक शिक्षक हूं

मैं एक शिक्षक हूं.............. मैं एक स्कूल शिक्षक हो सकता हूं मैं एक कॉलेज लेक्चरर हो सकता हूं मैं एक विश्वविद्यालय प्रोफेसर हो सकता हूं उस डॉक्टर के पीछे, यह मैं हूँ, एक शिक्षक ........... उस अ...

I am a teacher

I AM A TEACHER.............. I May be a School Teacher/ I May be a College Lecturer / I May be a University Professor. Behind That Doctor, It is Me, a Teacher........... Behind That Engineer, It is Me, a Teacher.......... Behind That Statistician, It is Me, a Teacher.......... Behind That Nuclear Physicist, It is Me, a Teacher.......... Behind That Mathematician, It is Me, a Teacher.......... Behind That Scientist, It is Me, a Teacher.......... Behind That Zoologist, It is Me, a Teacher.......... Behind That Entomologist, It is Me, a Teacher.......... Behind That Botanist, It is Me, a Teacher.......... Behind That Economist, It is Me, a Teacher.......... Behind That Entrepreneur, It is Me, a Teacher.......... Behind That Lawyer, It is Me, a Teacher.......... Behind That Political Scientist, It is Me, a Teacher.......... Behind That Psychologist, It is Me, a Teacher.......... Behind That Musician, It is Me, a Teacher.......... Behind That Architect, It is Me, a...


To fulfill the father's last wish During the last visit of the father, the girls danced very furiously. This scene shows during the last visit of famous industrialist Haribhai Lalwani, named after Gutkha King. During this, people were dancing on drum and drums. Haribhai had four daughters in front of the celebrations. The feet of good and good are staggered while giving to the father, but the people of the city are surprised to see the courage of four brave daughters. Haribhai Lalwani (65), a former president of the Noida Entrepreneurus Association (NEA) on Saturday, was included in the last visit to people who witnessed such a scene, which is less visible. In the afternoon, before the last journey from Haribhai's Sector-40 house to the start of the journey, people were standing for Dhol Nagar. People were not sure that Haribhai's four daughters would have the courage to do so that they will not shed tears on the last visit of the father and dance on the shoulders of his ...

मदद करना आपको इंसान बना देती है

छोटी लड़की ने गुल्लक से सब सिक्के निकाले और उनको बटोर कर जेब में रख लिया ...! निकल पड़ी घर से – पास ही केमिस्ट की दुकान थी .... उसके जीने धीरे धीरे चढ़ गयी....!! वो काउंटर के सामने खड़े होक...

Help the poor as you can

The little girl collected all the coins from the piggy bank and collected them and put it in a pocket ...! Out of the house from the house - near the chemist shop. Her life slowly climbed .... !! He stood in front of the counter and was speaking, but the little girl was not able to see anyone ... Nor was he thinking about his voice, all were busy ... !! No friend of the shop owner came out from the country He was also busy talking to him ... !! Then he took out a coin from the pocket and took his attention towards the attention of the coin sounded on the counter. Her idea came .... The shopkeeper came to her ... And asked him in love with what son ...? He removed all the coins from the pocket and kept it on his palm ... and bid me * "miracle" * .... !!! The shopkeeper did not understand, he asked again, * he should repeat the word "miracle" ... !! * The shopkeeper was surprised and said - son does not get miracles here ....! If the medicine gets medicines...

बेटियों के नाम एक कहानी

पिता की अंतिम इच्छा पूरी करने के लिए पिता की अंतिम यात्रा के दौरान बेटियों ने जमकर डांस किया। गुटखा किंग के नाम से मशहूर प्रसिद्ध उद्योगपति हरिभाई लालवानी की अंतिम यात्र...

Who am I a Hindu or other ...

Yesterday I saw Aamir Khan's film pk. Like every time this time I  also enjoyed. But this time the film's scene Seeing the message that through this film common We have not yet understood what people are being transmitted to Finding A scene from the movie which was a very entertaining part - "pk takes the bottle of liquor in the mosque ..... then He has to run away from there (Because alcoholism in Muslim religion as well as Hindu religion Is considered to be opposed to religion.) When the pk Muslim people's anger just escaped from the crowd Sits in ... white cloth * For the weeds in Hindu religion, that is when someone dies If the Hindus wear white clothes, then Go to the last trip. * White kurta and Pajama are the simbole of Peace and Cordiality in Hinduism Is considered a symbol of Apart from this, as far as I know Muslims and others This is all in the rest of the community. But Christian This does not happen in the community. (This is where the beginning of the...

धर्म क्या है कोई क्यों नहीं जानना चाहता

कल आमिर खान की फिल्म pk देखी ।हर बार की तरह इस बार भी मजा आया ।लेकिन इस बार की फिल्म का इक सीन देख कर ऐसा लगा कि जो संदेश इस फिल्म के माध्यम से आम लोगों तक पहुंचाया जा रहा है वो हम अभी तक नहीं समझ पा रहे । फिल्म का एक सीन जो बहुत ही मनोरंजक भाग था - " pk मस्जिद में शराब की बोतल लेके जाता है .....फिर उसे वहां से भागना पड़ता है (क्योंकि हिन्दु धर्म के साथ साथ मुस्लिम धर्म में भी शराब को धर्म के विरोध में माना जाता है ।) जब pk मुस्लिम लोगओं की गुस्साई भीड़ से बच कर बस में बैठता है ...... सफेद कपड़ा * हिन्दु धर्म में मातम के लिए अर्थात जब किसी का निधन हो जाता है तो हिन्दु लोग सफेद कपड़े पहन कर उसकी अंतिम यात्रा में जाते हैं । * हिन्दु धर्म में सफेद कुर्ता और पाजामा शांति और सौहार्द का प्रतीक माना जाता है । * इसके अलावा जहां तक मुझे पता है मुस्लिम और अन्य बाकी समुदाय में भी यही सब होता है ।परन्तु क्रिस्टियन समुदाय में ऐसा नहीं होता । (बस यहीं से जनजागरण की शुरूआत होती है) बस में विधवा औरत को दुखी देख उसका हाथ थामना, फिर लोगों द्वारा दुत्कारना फिर..... बात आई कपड़ों की यानि प...

Teacher's efforts to prepare for exam

Teacher's efforts to prepare for the exam Examination of useful questions (Answer in one word) by examining them Beta is distributed among students through which the student book In the chapter related to that question, read and study By trying to find answers to those questions. In this way, only the key to pass the exam Students taking the help of guide to their textbook Studies also seem to be intensive. And it is natural This effort benefits him in the study process. We have started such experiments from our previous years. Students who are in some way close to the textbook Otherwise it is true that students are more than books By believing his short and simple form guide The real purpose of education is to forget which is science Meaning of the subject What we are reading today is to come tomorrow. His complete knowledge only when we at the right time Understand the right way or else it is our work Do not come. Then the same work in the future ...

परीक्षा की तैयारी हेतु शिक्षक के प्रयास

परीक्षा उपयोगी प्रश्नों (एक शब्द में उत्तर ) के संग्रह कर के उन्हे प्रश्न पत्र के माध्यम से छात्रों के बीच बाॅटा जाता है जिससे छात्र पुस्तक में उस प्रश्न से संबंधित अध्याय ...

अपना ज्ञान बढ़ाऐं

* यह मैसेज बहुत काम का है,, इसे मोबाइल मे सेव कर ले वक्त बेवक्त काम आएगा ।। * ¶मोबाइल से जुडी कई ऐसी बातें जिनके बारे में हमें जानकारी नहीं होती लेकिन मुसीबत के वक्त यह मददगार सा...