chemistry 12th mp board (very short questions)

sample questions for chemistry 12th (2marks) M.P. BOARD
p-block2 ------------------
1. What is atomicity of noble gases-
2. What is the element discovered in the sun?
3. Halogen has the highest electronic effinity -
4 .Who is the source of monogite -
5. Which noble gas makes the most compounds?
6 .The magnetic properties of noble gases are -
7 .What the octets of noble gas are not perfect-
8 .In which halogen molecule has most oxidative properties -
9 .What about Silicon current ? 10. Which is the fastest acid-
11 .What is the most effective acidic halogen -
12. Halogen showing the highest alkaline properties -
13. Halogen oxidative acids found hybridisation-
14. The shape of the AX5 inter-halogen compounds is -
15 .The gas used in Radiology -
16 .The shape of XeF4 is -
17 .In the form of indicators in aeroplane -
18. noble gase Useful in light bulbs-
19 Which noble gas makes the most compounds -
20 which oxiacide of chlorine shows +3 oxidative state -
21 Halogen means what -
22 Which is the most electro negative element -
23 .The only non-metal which is liquid the heat of the room-
24. How is the nature of inter halogen compounds-
25. An example of clathrate -
26. What is the organization of bleaching powder?
27. Whose existence is possible FCl3 or ClF3 -
28. What is the use of CF2Cl2 -
29.The noble gas maximum in atmosphere - 30. Electron effinity of iodine is the most ......................
31. Abnormal behavior on liquefaction noble gas -
32. Found in solid state at room temperature Halogen -
33. by which the release of bleaching effect of bleaching powder it happens - 34. noble gas with lowest boiling point -


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