(समानार्थक शब्द)
Synonyms are the words which are similar or identical in meaning.
(समानार्थक शब्दों का अर्थ है समान अर्थ वाले शब्दI)
1. dangerous (खतरनाक) - risky
2. deceive (धोखा) - cheat
3. decrease (कम करना) - reduce
4. defeat (हार)- Vanquish
5. dermonstrate (दिखाना)- show
6. difficult (मुश्किल) - tough
7, dig (खोदना)- excavate
8. disappear (गायब) - vanish
9. disaster (प्रलय)- calamity
10 disease (बीमारी) - sickess
11. disperse (लाना)- scatter
12drowsy (घना) - sleepy
13, drunk (पीए हुआ)- intoxicated
14. dull (सुस्त) - gloomy
15. eager (उत्सुक) - keen
16. edible (खाने योग्य) - eatable
17. educate (पढ़ाना)-  teach
18. embrace (गले लगना) - hug
19. enemy (दुश्मन) - foe
20. enomous (बहुत बड़ा) - huge
21. enough (काफी) - sufficient.
22. entire (पूरा) - whole
23. excess (ज्यादा)  - surplus
24. exhibit दिखाना) - show
25. expect (उम्मीद) - anticipate
26. exterior (बाहरी) - outside
27.extravagance (खर्चीलापन) - Wastefulness
28. fall (गिरना) - drop
29. famous (प्रसिद्ध) - eminent
30. far (दूर)  - distant
31. fate (भाग्य) - destiny
 32. feeble (कमज़ोर)- weak
33. ferocious (खतरनाक)-  fierce
34 forgive (माफ करना) - pardon
35. free (आजाद) - release (खुशी) - cheeful
37. gaze (घूरना) - stare. .
38 grave (गहन) - serious
 39. habit (आदत) - custom
40, halt (रुकना) - stop
41. hate (घृणा) -  loathe
 42. height (ऊँचाई) - altitude
43. help (मदद) - assist
44, hide (छुपाना) - conceal
45. high (ऊँचा) -  tall
46. See (देखना) - look
47. allow (अनुमति) - permit
48, Battle (युद्ध) - war
49  Discover (खोज)- find
50. leave (छोड़ना) -give up


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