A conjunction is a word which joins
sentences with each other.
वे शब्द जो शब्दों या वाक्यों को आपस में जोड़ते हैं संयोजक कहलाते हैं।
निम्नलिखित कुछ conjunctions हैं जैसे
and (और), as (जैसे), but (लेकिन), before (पहले,
because (क्योंकि), after (बाद में ), if (अगर), or (या),otherwise (अन्यथा), that (कि), though (यद्यपि),then (जबकि), till (तक), unless (जब तक कि), while(जबकि), which ( जोकि), when (जब , therefore(अत:), So (इसलिए), as well as (तथा), either-or (या तो या), neither nor (ना तो-ना ही) etc. .
(a) Rita and Gita are sisters.
(b) live in Bhopal which is the capital of Madhya Pradesh.
(c) Anit is rich but Hari is poor .
(d) Walk fast or you will miss the bus.
(e) He was so tired that he could not walk.
(f) He was ill, therefore he could not come to school.


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