Homophones are words that sound alike but have completely diferente meaning.
(Homophone - वे शब्द जो उच्चारण में समान लगते हैं परन्तु अर्थ में भिन्न होते हैं।)
1. सी - Sea, see
Sea-The ship is sailing on the sea.
See - see with my eyes.
2. सैल - Sale,Sail
Sale-Bachoomal has the largest sale.
Sail - Children sail boats in a pond
3. सेल - Sell, Cell
Sele - He sells vegetables.
Cell - He lives in a small cel.
4. न्यू - Knew, new
Knew - He knew my name.
New - we wear new clothcs on Diwali.
5. देयर -There, their
There - There are four students in the class.
Their - Their do their work.
6. पीस - Peace, Piece
Peace --There was peace in the forest.
Piece - He gave me a piece of cake.
7. ब्लयू - Blue, Blew
Blue - The sky is blue.
Blew - He blew a whisle.
8. हर्ड-  Heard, herd
Heard - heard a great noise.
Herd - A herd of cows was gazing.
9.  राइट - Right, write
Right - He knew the right answer.
Write - write with myleft hand.
10 हेअर - Hare,hair
Hare - Hare runs very fast.
Hair-  I have long and smooth hair.
11.फेयर - Fai, fare
Fair - went to a fair with my family
Fare-Train fare is imereasing rapidly.
12 . क्वाइट - Quiet, Quite
Quiet - You must be quiet in the class.
Quite - He waited for quite a long period.
13. प्लेन - Plain, Plane
Plain - wearing a plain blue shirt.
Plane - flied by a plane to Delhi.
14. हेअर - Hear, Here
Hear - we hear with our ears.
Here -  Please come here.
15. एट - Ate,Eight
Ate - He ate two ice creams.
eight--Octopus has eight legs.
16. बाय - Bye,Buy
Bye - He bade good bye to his friends.
Buy - I went to market to buy books.
17. वीक - Weak,Week
Weak -He is a weak boy.
Week -There are seven days in a week.
18. वोन - One , won
One - one comes before two
Won - He won a prize in academics.
19.आई -  I, eye
I - am a beautiful girl.
eye- We see with our eyes.
20.ऑवर - Hour, Our
Hour -He is a late by one hour.
Our - The name ofour country is India.
21. बी - Bee,be
bee - मधुमक्खी
be - होना


  1. It would be great if you used Bengali instead of hindi


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