one word substitution

 (अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द)
I. One who takes care of your teeth -Dentist
2. A person who uses a type writer -Typist
3. One who flies a plane- pilot
4. A person who sells medicines - chemist
5. One who travels in public transport like bus,Passenger train or plane- passenger
6. A person who pays rent for the use of a house- Tanant
7. One who sells goods for his company -  Agent
8. One who makes wooden furniture- Carpenter
9. A worman expeting to give birth to a baby - Pregngnt
10 . Place where you were born - motherland
11. A person who fights cases in court -  Lawyer
12. An oficial letter to make a arrest or search - warrant
13. A person in an officer or shop who is incharge of money - cashier
14. One who teaches - Teacher
15 .  The flight of birds from One part of the world to another - Migration
16. A person who makes breads, cakes etc. -  Baker
17. One who is incharge of a part of a news paper and magazine -  Editor
18 . A person who cuts hair - Barber
19. A cook in a hotel, restauran. Chef
20 . A person who writes poems- Poet
21. A person who grows or sells fowers - Florist
22. Animals that live in water - Aquatic
23. A person who believe that there is no god - Atheist
24. A disease which spreads by contact - Contagious
25. A disease which Spreads rapidly among many people in the same place for a time - epidemic


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