SUFFIX (प्रत्यय)
Aletter or group of letters added at the end of a word  to form a derivative.
(जो शब्दांश Primary word के अन्त में जोड़े जायें उसे Suffix कहते हैं।)
comfort + able = comfortable
Agree + able = agreeable
Work + able = workable
profit + able = profitable
read + able = readable
good + ness - goodness
Sweet + nss = sweetness
truth + full = truthful
skill + full = skilful
fear। + full = fearful
Beauty + fall = beautiful
Duty + full = dutiful
Cheer + full =  cheerful
meaning + full = meaningful
fear+ full = fearful
Marry + age = marriage
Prefer + able = preferable
Heal + th =  health
Steat + th = stealth
Book + ish = bookish
Child + ish = childish
fool + ish, =foolish
style + ish = stylish
change +able =changeable
deep +en  = deepen
Broad  + en = boarden
Sun + day = Sunday
friend + ship = friendship
invent + ion = invention
free + dom = freedom
Bore+ dom = boredom
King + dom = kingdom
star + dom = stardom
Hero + ism = Heroism
king+ ship = kingship
sick + ness = sicknesse
good + ness = goodness
soft + ly = softly
live + ly = lively
wise + ly = wisely
Bold+ ly = boldly


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