ESSAY ON Wonder of science

1. Introduction
2. Scientific Inventions
3. Means of Transport and
4. Medicine and Surgery
5. Computers
6. Disadvantages of science
7. Conclusion
1.Introduction:- It is the age of science. There are many wonders of science. It has made our life easier and comfortable. Science plays an important role in our daily life. It has made dreams and imaginations of man true. By observation of simple events, man has invented great things. Science is nothing but a systematic way of knowledge and living.
2. Scientific Inventions:-There are many scientific inventions that have made our life very comfortable . Electricity is the greatest invention of science. It serves us in many ways. It lights our houses, it entertains us with TV and radio. It fills our water. It runs trains, mills, and factories. It cools and warms our houses. Motorcars, scooters, railway engines, aeroplanes, computers, etc. are all invention.
 3. Means of Transport and Communications:-  Buses, cars, trains, and airplanes have made our travel easier, comfortable and quicker. A man can reach any part of the world within hours. He has reached other planets with the help of rockets. With the introduction of long distance telephone calls through S.T.D. and I.S.D., we can talk to our friends and relatives living very far from us. A mobile phone is a great service to men.
4 . Medicine and Surgery :-  science has cure men from many disease.T.B. and cancer have been controlled .It has made men healthier . Heart surgery and heart transplant have become possible.
5. Computers :- scientist have invented computers . These are wonderful invention. computers can do complex calculation and work quickly . They have solved a lot of problems of men .
6. Disadvantages of science :- science has given us atom bombs . They can destroy all human being and other living . Factories and vehicles make pollution.
7. Conclusion :-  science is a great helper to men. If properly used it can be a done good for us but if not we will loss .


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